How Equine-Assisted Learning Works?

In Equine-Assisted Learning, the trainers integrate human-horse relationships while helping the participants meet their desired goals. It’s an experiential approach designed to offer patients and participants possibilities to learn life lessons, develop communication and relationship building skills, trust, honesty, responsibility, respect, etc.

Although horses are non-verbal communicators, they sync with humans very well. By working with equines, participants learn how non-verbal communication influences others and how to deal with it.

Equines are highly sensitive and attentive to their surroundings. While undertaking equine-assisted learning, participants learn how to be observant and aware of what’s happening around them. Having the ability of self-awareness and mindfulness is essential as it teaches one to take situations from a different perspective. It helps them to reveal how and why people behave in certain circumstances.

Handling animals like horses require physical and mental strength. When participants work with horses and learn how to control them, it gives them a sense of accomplishment and boosts their self-esteem. People with low-confidence level benefit from such experiential horseback riding special needs.